Recombinant Protein
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The Recombinant (HEK) monkey/rhesus Her2/Erbb2/Neu (1-652)-His-tag fusion protein is manufactured for Research Use Only or for diagnostics purposes.
Fusion proteins or chimeric proteins are proteins created through the joining of two or more genes that originally coded for separate proteins. A GFP gene is often used as tag to a reporter gene. Fusion lentiverctors can be used as viral particles to produce proteins that carry for example a GFP tag. Antigen purification of recombinant fusion tag proteins is a frequent strategy using a Fralg tag.Rhesus Monkeys proteins are often measured by ELISA on serum or plasma since consensus epitopes with the human ELISA are used for producing the antibodies of these ELISA test kits. Often cDNA of monkeys is used as alternative to human cDNA as a model for drug development. Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World monkeys.
Recombinants or rec. proteins
Monkeys like rhesus's or the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) are the most used apes in laboraty models.